
DataRight+ approaches specification groupings in a specific way:

  1. Information Security: Define the underlying security patterns adopted by the ecosystem often relying on other specifications such as those released by the FAPI Working Group. Include specifications related to ecosystem trust establishment.
  2. Actions: Focus on specific actions with specific outcomes. Typically traverse the boundaries between authentication, authorisation and resource server. May be broad reaching in terms of resource access or very fine-grained.
  3. Data Resource Sets: Sets of resource server endpoints, usually accessible using course grained permissions, containing large sets of attributes for consumption
  4. Ecosystem Sets: These specifications are intended to be apex specifications which bind together a variety of specifications across groupings to form an ecosystem deployment. Through the use of ecosystem sets it is possible to bring together various capabilities to result in a functional end-to-end ecosystem while facilitating the gradual enhancement of features through underlying specification development.

In addition, we maintain information documents, notably the DataRight+ Rosetta Stone and generalised API specifications.


All specifications developed by DataRight+ are in IETF RFC format. For API specifications we utilise Redocly to publish in OpenAPI v3.0.3 Specification.